Saturday, September 30, 2006

soft toys!

Haha. Can't think of a title so decided to use this for now. Heehee. Too many soft toys are appearing in school, especially this term. Let's see. Current count: 4 toys. Lol. Highly amusing and interesting for everyone. Especially yesterday. It's been too long since the 4 of us could just go hyper in E1-14, ya? Heehee. I like my handphone picture. Renee, I want your boyfriend! So cute! Rofl. Okok. Let me clarify something. Renee's boyfriend isn't a person, ok? Haha. Never mind.

Shall I blog about yesterday? -thinks- Okies! Why not? Since I'll only start work after I'm done blogging.. =p Mentoring session. Urk. When did I start helping mei with leading the discussion? Pft. Never mind. At least it's only this once. =) Then physics. The usual copying and stuff. Mhmm. Break. Relatively normal and stuff? Math bridging module. Ziah. Thanks to mei ah, I'm no longer progressing along with the teacher. Tend to tune out and do what I can by myself/or with mei and nes's help. So was starting on the homework during lesson time. Oops? But still not as fast as mei who's finished everything? 0.0 Then biology bridging module... Pft. No video yesterday. Haha. Never mind. And lesson learnt: Last minute mugging for biology quiz doesn't work. =p Had time for lunch between biology bridging module and chemistry extra lesson. Whew. Luckily. Was getting hungry. Chemistry took less time than expected so 4 of us could go occupy E1-14 for a longer time. Initially, we were all doing our whole things (e.g reading and stuff), then after quite some time, we got more hyper. Mhmm. =) And why am I the one always getting poked? Especially unfair when you all ganged up and poke me at the same time... -pouts- Haha. Oh well.

After staying in school, rushed down to Serene for dinner with mel and saac. Then went to church and met Sis Jas to prepare for Glorify. Still think I get very nervous. Whee! Lcell was in the auditorium. Since it was open and no one else was using it. =) -bounce- Hmm. Getting more and more used to being in Lcell. Compared to the start of the year and all, I think I've improved in certain areas. But of course, there are things I still need to work on. Lots of things. Mhmm. Talked to mei on the phone on the way home. Thank you! =) Heehee. Went home and attempted to do a bit of chemistry lab report. Oh well. Then started reading and erm... -cough- slept relatively late/early. Not intentional. =p Made up for it by not getting out of bed til 10.

Heehee. Guess I better stop slacking and try to figure out the calculations for chemistry?

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