There are quite a few things that I want to blog about but most of them aren't things for this public blog. Pft. Never mind.
More than ever, I thank God for directing me at the end of last year. While entering NUS High hasn't always been that smooth-sailing despite how things might seem, I don't regret the decision I made. It's been hitting me these two days how this school served as a resting place for me but it'll also be the next "battle-field". But I really don't mind. I've had my chance to rest. At least I had that.
And it's great to know that I haven't changed much. Really. But yes, I just want to say that no matter how things might seem to be, I'm still me. I'm thankful that I can still be happy over simple things such as walking home from the busstop and feeling the breeze and enjoying the view of the night sky. During F.U.E.L today, I gushed over a powerpoint background. But yes, it's nice to know that I'm still me. Various other events have proved it. And because I'm still me, my priorities hasn't changed. So to you, all you need to do is call and I'll do my best to be there. Even now. No matter what. I made a promise to you and I still intend to keep it. There.
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