Wednesday, September 20, 2006

CCA - journalism

Urk. I really shoudn't be blogging now, ya? But guess what, I don't really care that much now cause my mood's really too low. I want to get the chemistry week article done but first, I have to write the introduction. Once I can do that, I'll be able to write. Even though I've just written out the points to be covered on foolscap, I doubt I'll be able to start.

Right now, I feel like getting out of the computer lab. It's very restricting to be confined to within the 4 walls. CCA. I have to make up my mind soon. I can't continue on with this attitude if I'm going to stay in Journalism. But if I'm not going to, then what CCA? Though choir was rather an appealing choice, note the "was". Laadeedaa. Mhmm. I don't know... Been having a rather crazy idea to have a certain CCA started in this school but it's really not that feasible and highly impossible. Not the time for it anyway. But yes, shall push that idea to the back of my head.

Whee! I have 35 minutes to finish one article. Quite alright actually but first I have to get into the mood. =p Ack. Some corner's of the school's calling my name. Heehee. -shrugs- Ok. Just try my best to focus and finish up the article and then leave Journalism slightly earlier.

Ohh. There's one feature of livejournal which I rather like and I think I'll do that for this blog.

Mood: thinking (too much...)
Music: Shooting Star - Boyzone (it's an obscure song from Hercules)

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