Monday, September 25, 2006

you give me wings

You give me wings when I'm falling
You lift me up when I'm down

- Lyrics from "You give me wings"

Hmm. Heard this song yesterday on Singapore Idol. It's an original song composed for the winner of Singapore Idol. The lyrics are really meaningful. Ever more so in this period of time. Was pointing out to mei how this song is so suitable for song dedications and all. Mhmm. Been wanting to blog but can't think of what to blog about.. Or rather reluctant to blog about the things that are taking up most of my thoughts.

Ack. Still very sleepy. Was using the computer then decided to lie down for awhile and ended up making myself comfortable (e.g hugging a soft toy, covering myself with the comforter) and taking a short nap. Was smart enough to set an alarm though. =p After all the times when a short nap resulted in me sleeping for more than an hour. Yeps. Okies. Better stop using the computer. Shall go practice a bit of piano... =)

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