Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Whoa. Other than selective hearing, looks like I have selective timing. In the sense that my mind chooses when to think about stuff at such wonderful times.

Yayness. Biology test tomorrow. Though I could always do the speed-read through notes way of studying, I actually want to do well in the test. Urk. Of all times to want to do well. I want to study but as usual, it really depends on my mood. Right now, I just want a break. Not just going to the kitchen and grabbing a snack. More than that. -thinks of places- Let's see. Other than biology test tomorrow, there's a chemistry quiz tomorrow and chem lab notebook due. Quiz, first lesson of the day. And my chemistry grade is low enough already. Then after end of school tomorrow, study for expo and log exam. And have to complete math bridging module homework. I really dislike it when my mind chooses to be selective about when I care about academic matters. If it was constantly care/don't care, it's easier to deal with. But at random times, I'll just remember the importance of studies and/or need to prove something to myself and fulfil certain personal expectations.

Sighs. I should go off and study and finish all those things, right? But I've learned that it's no point trying to study if I can't focus. So will allow myself to go on for a while more before I stop blogging. On the bright side, everything should be better after friday afternoon. But first, have to endure through tomorrow and friday. =) Oh well. How bad can it get? There's this resignation to it all. I've been through similar experiences for me to get too worried. Ohh. And realized that I'm sleepy. Sleepy enough to sleep now actually. Just lie down for awhile so ya... Ack. Better continue sitting upright, if not...

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