Monday, September 18, 2006

so close

I've been on the verge of tears for quite some time, not referring to any day in particular but ya... It's really too often for my liking but never mind. As long as it doesn't get any worse (I'm too hopeful), I'm still not too worried and will just accept it.

Hmm, started reading through my blog entries. Since someone mentioned that my old entries used to be a lot more open, I decided to read through to judge for myself. Yeps. Oh well. I don't know. But one thing's for sure, I'm blogging more often this year.

Today could have been better. Then again, most days are like that, it can always be better. I want to blog but have no idea what to blog about since I typed another entry elsewhere. Go figure which blog. -amused- Can't believe I maintain most of my blogs. Let's see. There's my MSN space which has about 1 entry a month, this blog, the obsession one (which is dead), private blog and my lj account. Haha. My lj's really just used for typing to mei/nes/kor or this latest "craze" that nes started. Mhmm. That's about it?

Shall go attempt to do my work or play the piano.

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