Thursday, September 21, 2006

broken promises

Though it hurts when people don't keep their promise or I don't keep my promise to others which results in them getting hurt, there's one last situation in which it hurts so much. Me not keeping my promises to myself. So many broken today. Fine, maybe not so many. But the few that I don't want to break the most just had to be broken. And it was my own actions that caused me to break that promise I made to myself.

It's highly tempting to blog one of those entries with a lot of references to "you" and all but there's not much of a point, ya? It's the easy way out to blog. The harder one is actually addressing people face to face. I've been avoiding that. Guess I've got to settle everything soon.
Whee! The piano calls. Actually, a lot of things/places are calling out my name. Shall see how well I am able to respond to these "calls". But highly doubt can answer those "calls". Situation doesn't permit. And some of them, I'm trying my best not to respond to those calls. I can't.

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