Sunday, January 07, 2007

2007, welcome?

Hmm. Even before 2007 started, I already knew that it’s going to be yet another year of changes and more roller-coaster ride. Duh. That’s life. Haha. But anyway, there are some things that will or have already changed in 2007. Oh well. Interestingly enough, I haven’t made any New Year resolutions yet. As in, I have a vague idea of what I hope to achieve in 2007 and stuff like that but it’s not written out in black and white. So I guess I shall do it on this blog?

2007 is going to be challenging. And the best part is that I’m the one who’s going to make my life challenging. I actually want to put in a decent amount of effort for my studies for once and see results. Although right now, it’s just words and there’s this fear that I’ll lose that spirit as the year goes on. There’s also the additional challenge of wanting to build up the Christian fellowship in school. Heehee. Am I intending to take on more than I can chew? Who knows?

Hmm… Shall have a paragraph of my hopes regarding relationships in 2007. The state of my relationship with various people have changed a lot in 2006 but as 2007 starts, I’m hoping that certain relationships don’t end up the way other relationships turn out. Ok. I’m being really vague, aren’t I? Oh well. Enough with the vague-ness already. There’s bound to be changes in 2007 and some of them are already starting to be very obvious. But I’m really hoping that there wouldn’t be this distance between various people and me. In 2006, certain relationships suffered. I don’t want to go through that again for the other relationships… However, to quote this line from a song, “But now, even I can tell, that I confused my feelings with the truth”. It’s a rather sad reality that I’m going to have to face. The state of my relationship with people is going to change and there is bound to be changes for the worse but hopefully, there would be changes for the better. To certain people, things weren’t that smooth in 2006 and I was disappointed but I’m hoping that it changes this year. I still hope and cling on to those relationships. Do you all?

To end off, the 9 of you mean a lot to me and I treasure my relationship with you all. Ohh, I probably made a reference to my relationship with each of you in the previous entry. =p And in the unlikely event that you all don’t know which are the 9 that I’m referring to, it’s Sammi, Gan Jie, Shao, Gloria, Isaac, Mel, Mei, Nes, Kor…

All the best for 2007! Blessed New Year!

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