Monday, January 29, 2007


This blog entry is one day overdue... Wanted to blog this last night/this morning but the internet connection was a bit too slow for my liking and I needed to sleep already so yeps.

Yay! Nowadays, I feel more and more accomplished. It's a nice feeling. =) Let's see. Actually bothering to put in decent amount of effort in studying for biodiversity test. Finishing up most of my chinese homework. Stuff like that... While it's true that I rarely hand in late homework last year and all (other than for chinese), this year, I guess I'm trying to do more than that? To clear homework as soon as possible? And surprisingly, I'm doing that along with playing the guitar and TAWG. Where does all this time come from? Maybe it helps that MSN isn't installed on this computer? And that I don't use the computer that much.

I'm really hoping that this attitude towards work actually continues and lasts throughout this year and the next few years. No, I do not intend to spend every waking moment studying/doing work, ok? Just that I hope that I'm able to put in the amount of effort that I used to put in for work. Hmm... Honestly, haven't felt like that for a long time... Sure, there've been incidents here and there but nothing this sustained. Really reminds me of Primary 5. And up til now, I can't figure how I managed to put my grades up that year. Think I can do it again this year? I'll try...

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