Saturday, January 27, 2007

a perfect day

This is going to be another entry about my thoughts and reflections after reading a book. You might call this a book review but I think what I do focus on isn’t the plot or how well it’s written but rather, the whole idea behind it and how it touches my heart.

Returned my library books yesterday and was browsing through the shelves for more books. Hmm. Even that alone brought back memories. I really should stop associating so many things with various people. Anyway, a few books caught my eye and I was looking through them but didn’t borrow since it was part of a trilogy and the first book was not there. Pft. Fortunately, one of the books by the same author was a stand-alone so I borrowed it. “A perfect day” by Richard Paul Evans. I highly recommend it. I rank it along with Mitch Albom and Jodi Picoult. The book is those kind that’s really meaningful and makes you reflect on your own life.

Spent the past 1 hour plus reading through the book and just couldn’t put it down. Towards the end of the book, I was in tears. The story’s that moving. Of course, it does help when you’re like me, awfully sentimental and emotional. =p Will copy down a few lines that mean a lot to me…

“Is there any way that you could let me back in your heart? ... You never left it.”
[These two lines were said by two different characters, a husband and wife. When I read it, I was overwhelmed by emotions. How true it is… When you love someone, that person never leaves your heart.]

“I’ve learned that the measure of life is revealed in the quality of our relationships: with God, our families, our fellow men.”
[A gentle remainder to myself. Even as I push myself beyond my comfort zone, I hope that I don’t lose sight of what’s truly important in life. So to all my friends, I say this. If ever my friends are no longer my top priority, feel free to shout at me or even slap me. Just wake me up, ok? Thanks. =)]

“I’ve learned that the greatest threat to love is not circumstance but the absence of attention. For we do not neglect others because we have ceased to love; rather we cease to love others because we have neglected.”
[Ouch. I think that sums it up? Not just for the current situation but also for so many other times in the past. Just want to say “sorry” to those I’ve neglected. Sorry. Please forgive me?]

And there I was, trying to fool myself. Yesterday, after a few incidents, I was thinking to myself how I had changed or how I was going to change. But after reading the book, I’ve realized that I’ve just been lying to myself in order to numb myself even more. I’m still me. Haha. Looks like it’s confirmed. I can’t change even if I want to. Just a book can get me into this state… Let alone other stuff. Now, I’m just into that really reflective mood. And a disclaimer: tears don’t always mean moodiness. I’m not moody. These tears are just... Sorry but I’m not going to finish the sentence. But trust me when I say that tears don’t equal moodiness or emo-ness, ok?

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