Sunday, January 14, 2007


Hmm... Today's service was much needed. As my title says, I was renewed after service today. Sure, my mood picks up and all whenever I'm in church but today was so much more than that.

Went to church with everything pushed to the back of my head. Hmm. Yay! I'm looking foward to my mum buying "Power of a Praying Teen" for me. It caught my eye in Manna and suddenly, I really wanted it. Didn't have enough cash but told my mum about it later so she said she'll buy it for me from campus crusade, this christian bookshop near her workplace. =)

Anyway, worship was really a time for me to let the tears flow. The sermon's really relevant to me. Especially the part of how to be a mighty warrior for God. Pastor Gary told us to take on the mountains in our life and to advance God's Kingdom. This line is particularly meaningful, "Don't just speak about the problem, but speak to the problem." And one bible verse that encouraged me was Isaiah 41:10, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

I was really hoping that there would be an altar call for this service. I needed to respond. Went up to the altar and just felt God's presence so strongly. I was crying and just asking God to take all the sorrow and pain away from me. And I've encountered God in a different way. Was prompted to fall to my knees and seek God, to be in a position of total surrender. The tears continued to flow til a point when I felt that I've lifted up everything unto Him. And one thing that I was really asking God for was joy to fill my heart once more. Most of the time, even when I face problems, there's still this child-like joy in me at simple things. But for the past week or so, it's been missing in a way. Realized this only after someone pointed it out. But after altar call, felt refreshed and renewed. Sure, it's not the first time I've felt renewed after service. My mood picks up in church as I said. But this round, I feel that it's something more than that, something different. Sure, the problem that's been causing me to be so drained hasn't been resolved and I'll still have to deal with it but somehow, I know that I'll be able to weather the storm. So for those who's been worried about me, don't worry so much, ya? I will or have already picked myself out of the moodiness and will do my best to keep myself from being moody again. =)

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