Saturday, January 20, 2007


Let me dwell in memories for awhile before I go on to blog about my real purpose for this entry..

As I went for piano yesterday, was walking along this street and just remembered a conversation that I had with someone at that place. It surprised me how I could remember that conversation so clearly. Guess you could call it a flashback? Really, a lot of things have been striking me the past few days and weeks. So many realizations.

Yay! My mum bought "Power of a praying teen" for me. She came home before I left for lcell so I brought it along with me to read on the bus. Only read through the first few pages, or to be specific, the introduction as I didn't want to read through this book like how I read fiction books. Even as I read, there were a lot of things that went through my mind. Had to control the urge to flip to particular chapters in the book that dealt with various issues and topics. After awhile, decided to sleep on the bus. Lcell. Gel was fun and I really miss Glorify. Looking foward to learning the guitar. Yes yes, I might actually do something about it this year. During the time when everyone shared, it was really amazing how so many of us want to see changes in our school and that God was speaking to each one of us about our school.

The trip back home was really unlike any other. At the busstop, felt the urge to take out my notebook which I use for TAWG and reflect on something that Bro Terence shared about in Lcell: letting the Holy Spirit lead us. How appropriate. Especially since I came across that in the first few pages of "Power of a praying teen" too... So was writing my reflections on it and re-reading the same few pages again and writing down more stuff. So throughout the whole bus ride, was just writing and referring to the book as well. Then even when I alighted from the bus, felt the urge to stay at the busstop and finish writing what God spoke to me about. Didn't want to wait til I got home. Yeps. And as I walk from the busstop to my house, just prayed out loud for various areas in my life. Mhmm.

It's great to reach another level in my relationship with God and really encountering Him every day and not just in church. But there's still so much more that I want. I'm hoping to hear from God tomorrow about the plans He has for the school. We're supposed to wear our school uniforms to church tomorrow. I'm really looking foward to tomorrow's service. Somehow, I think some issues that I've been struggling with will be resolved soon. Heehee. Might start spending money in the bookshop tomorrow. Feel like buying more stuff. But first, shall finish "Power of a praying teen". =) From what I've skimmed through, it's a really good book. Recommended reading!

Shall remember to blog one entry on the book after I'm done reading through it. Of course, I'll probably be writing my reflections after reading in my TAWG notebook as well. Sister Serena made a very good choice when she gave me the Precious Moments notebook. =)

Ok. Did I mention that my sleeping time is so messed up? I'm getting nocturnal. I get so tired in the day but can't sleep at night. Oops? Shall make an attempt to sleep earlier tonight.

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