Sunday, January 07, 2007

Bye 2006…

Heehee. There’s a sudden increase in the amount of blog entries because I’ve been wanting to rant on during my trip about various things but since I didn’t use the computer there and my internet connection was down when I came back to Singapore, I had to type it on Word first.

Anyway, I want to sum up how 2006 has been for me. I used the word “heartache” to describe 2005. This round, the word I choose to sum up 2006 is “relationships”. Had a lot of time to think about stuff during the Thailand trip and just look back on everything…

In this case, relationships don’t refer to BGR or stuff like that, I’m talking about every single relationship. Relationship with my family, friends, etc… You get the idea.

Sure, 2006 was a year of adjustment and changes since I transferred to NUS High but really, my year was centred around relationships. What strikes me most about this year is my relationships with various people. Closer bonds and increasing distance in various relationships, new relationships formed, certain relationships lost? And some just remain the same. Yeps, last year really centred around the people around me. If it wasn’t for them, 2006 would have been totally different.

Because of changes in the state of certain relationships, my general mood changed for the better. Because of new relationships being formed, life was more light-hearted. Other relationships gave me the strength to go on while others caused me to be pulled down at times. It’s no surprise that 2006 has been quite a roller-coaster ride as usual. I’ve hit quite a few high points during the year but I’ve also been at the lowest ever during the year.

Enough for now about relationships. It’s time to look back on how I’ve changed over the past 1 year. Rather dramatic change in some areas? In other areas, I’m still the same. Physically… If my NAPFA results are anything to go by, that’s improved slightly. Thanks to mei for causing my 2.4 m timing to be better. =) Height and weight not much of a change. Haha. Unless you count the extra weight I’ve put on during the Thailand trip. But I’ll probably lose it soon. That’s almost always the case. Hmm. Academically, I was cruising most of the time so it shows in my results. Average or somewhere around there. Not surprising.
Next, the part that’s harder to gauge. Internally, how have I changed? Oh. I’m still rather emotional. That hasn’t changed for sure. But character wise, I’m really not that sure. Minor changes. Or maybe some things have been made more obvious in 2006. My priorities in 2006 certainly changed compared to previous years though. But internally, I didn’t change that much. At least, not that I think so…

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