Wednesday, February 14, 2007

14th feb

Wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day! Or whatever's left of it anyway. =p

Hmm. I'll do a quick recount of today before I start blogging about my pet topic. =p Heehee. Let's see. Thanks mummy, cass, melanie and charmaine for giving me V-day prezzies! =) And all those that wished me a happy vday! =) Highlights of today. I'll blog in the word/phrase style. =p

Singing competition. Impromptu introduction. Unexpected results. Class unity. Red t-shirts. Amusing "commentary". Suitability of guys. -cough- CNY rehearsal. That's all. Honestly though, I think today was one of my worst V-days ever. No, it's nothing to do with the fact that I'm single or what. I've always been single throughout the years so ya. =p But rather, too many things going through my mind at various times. At the start of the day, worrying took up quite a bit of my time. Then as the day progresses, worry continued and tiredness and sleepiness came to join it too. So ya... Surprisingly though, I haven't gotten moody. Just tired. Oh well... Enough about today. Time to move on to the next part of the entry. =p

Valentine's Day. A day that people give gifts to their other half or to those they love. Of course, it's not just limited to love between couples. I mean, my mother gives me a little something special each year on this day so yeps. Hmm... Do we have to wait til the 14th of Feb before we give gifts to others? Oh well. That was on a side note.

What's my pet topic? Relationships. Heehee. Or at least mei claims it is. I'm not really objecting. Since it's V-day today, I think it's a rather appropriate time to blog about my personal opinion and all on relationships and other stuff. Warning: the following paragraphs will be pretty disorganized...

More and more teenagers are getting into relationships. That's an undeniable fact. But what is the point of getting into a relationship? I used to ask those around me that. When were you two considered a couple? When you're single, you tend to have many questions and watch with interest those couples around you. Sadly enough, I think that our generation at times don't really treasure and value relationships. How do people move on from one relationship to another so fast?

Love. How do you tell when you love someone? I mean, apart from the extreme cases of "I'll die to save the person" and stuff like that... How do you tell that you're really in love? Provoking question. I can't answer it. But I can say that I have loved before. Don't start thinking wrong. It's perfectly normal to love my family, ya? =p Heehee. There. But yes, I guess this blog entry's been enough about questions and generalizations. It's time to be egoistic and blog about my own experience and all..

Of course, I've had my share of crushes and all. Looking back, I half-cringe and smile at those memories. But I've also learned what it means to love someone, to care for someone so much that you place the person before yourself. Ya, I do that for most of my friends but for some of them, the extent that I do it has been considered a bit "crazy" and "extreme", I think. =p As someone pointed out to me before, "They are your world." Sighs. I think I've been putting this next part off for as long as I could.

Love is one powerful emotion. It's successfully knock down any barriers and walls I've placed within myself over the past weeks. No matter how I tried to ignore it, I can't. I still love you. That's never changed. Yes, I'm saying this openly. I love someone. People have been telling me I'll get over it and all but honestly, I doubt it. The feelings are still as strong as before. Sighs. Why the sigh? Because I really feel so helpless. It wasn't easy coping with loving someone but it was still bearable but now, helplessness has taken on another level. Sighs. But loving someone means wanting what's best for the person, right? So because of that, I've got to learn how to move on. How contradictory. To love someone and yet have to move on. Sighs. But it makes perfect sense.. Though it's tempting to write one of those dedication entries, I don't think it's suitable so nope, not blogging anymore on this.

Heehee. To end off this entry, just want to say "I love you" to all my friends. I love you all in the strictly platonic way, ya? Everyone, please take care. Happy Valentine's Day!

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