Tuesday, February 06, 2007

sea glass

I've been struggling through this book titled "Sea glass" but for once, I'm not going to quote anything or even blog about the plot of the book. Rather, I want to blog about sea glass and how I find it rather similar to certain things.

In the book, sea glass is basically pieces of glass picked up on the beach that are no longer sharp. Instead, they have a smooth edge. Broken pieces of glass were initially sharp and would cut people upon contact but after enduring the weather and the waves of the sea, it eventually becomes smooth.

Why am I blogging about sea glass? It's because I find parallels between sea glass and my experience lately. At first, when I was hurt, the pain was so great. But gradually, as time passed, the pain decreased. Analogy time. I guess it's as if I was stabbed by a knife each time but as the knife went through wear and tear, it was no longer so sharp and I didn't hurt so much. Not exactly what happened but really, I'm just really amazed at how I can just admire the piece of sea glass that's so beautiful when seen in the light. It used to hurt me. Maybe it still can hurt me but right now, I'm just learning to see it in a new light, to appreciate it for what it is.

Side note. =p I think I have 2 pieces of sea glass lying around in my room. Whee! The colours are really nice. Maybe I shall put it in a more prominent place to remind myself of certain things...

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