Saturday, February 10, 2007

poems from the past

Uhohh. I know there's this renewed urge in me to start writing again, which isn't good.

Anyway just now, felt like looking this notebook which I almost never use. I wrote about 3-4 poems in there. And after that, I remembered that my diary had a few more poems so just read through them. Hmm. Poems from the past. In another entry from today, I blogged about how I uploaded one of the poem up to my Eportfolio. Really, poems seem to be coming back into my life. What with the english assignment and finding poems from the past...

It freaked me out when I realized how those poems I wrote a few years back are just so fitting for this whole situation now. Hmm... Should I place them on my blog? I'll consider. It's not because of how well or how badly the poems are written which is making me hesitate. Rather, it's the content of the poems and how they're really a reflection of how I feel. Considering that a line from one of the poems was going through my head even before I re-read it for the first time in a long while. Some things never change, do they? When I read the poems, I was surprised at how I have certain beliefs that never change. And yet, there was one poem that stood out from the rest. Hmm... I'll blog it but let me state that I don't really agree with what I wrote at that time. Background history, it was written at the start of last year. Didn't even remember I wrote anything like that...


Walking in pairs
Hands intertwined
The look in their eyes
speaks louder than words

But how long before
love turns to hurt?

Feeting happiness
Temporary bliss
The unspoken reality
that everyone knows.

Are we so easily contented
with this passing dream?

Hmm... I edited the last line. Because the original version just seemed weird so yeps. But seriously, the poem's so unlike something written by me since that's one kind of attitude I rarely ever have about love. Which was why I got a bit disturbed that I could write something like that once. At that time, I wrote a short reflection after writing the poem and really, the most important question I asked myself at that time, "Was I that cynical of relationships?"...

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