Saturday, February 10, 2007


Was supposed to blog this entry last night but got too caught up in doing quizzes. =p Anyway, "Equilibrium" is the title of yesterday's Friday Night Movie on Channel 5. Hmm... Was reading the "Life" section of Straits Times and read the synopsis of this movie. Found it interesting so hogged the television from 7:30pm - 9:30pm. Realized that I don't watch much programmes nowadays. I don't even catch "The Arena" every weekk.. Oh wait, I'm digressing.

A short summary of what the show's about and then you'll understand why I wanted to watch it. In this futuristic society, art, books, music, etc are banned. Why? Because they cause people to have emotions. Basically, everyone's emotions are suppressed as this person known as "Father" have told them that emotions is the real source of problems. Emotions lead to war, chaos, destruction, etc... So everyone takes this drug regularly which causes them to not feel. The protagonist is this guy who goes around killing all those who don't follow the laws which means if you have a piece of artwork hidden somewhere and it is found, you're dead. Then one day, he misses a dose of the drug and starts feeling...

Hmm. A lot of interesting ideas and concepts were brought up in the show. Throughout the show, it just reaffirmed the reason why I never wanted to stop feeling. Yes, I'm emotional and that sure has its disadvantages. I mean, being able to not ever feel moody or depressed, that sounds great, ya? But on the other hand, not able to love others, to feel joy and happiness. Unable to appreciate art and music. Everyone is identical to you. What's the point in living? I like this quote, "...without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock ticking." Even with all that negative emotions bring, I find life still worth living for as long as there are a few moments of joy... =)

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