Monday, February 12, 2007

5 love languages

Since Wed's Valentine Day, I guess I shall stop practicing self-control and start blogging these whole series of entries on love and anything related to that. Finally... It's been accumalating over the past few weeks. Heehee.

Hmm. 5 love languages. For those who don't know, it's words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of services and physical touch. Basically, these 5 kind of sum up the ways of showing love to a person. Yeps. Everyone's different so it's a given that people have different love languages. What is your primary love language? Or to be put it most simply, which love language out of the 5 is the most important to you in a relationship?

Love languages in a relationship consist of how you show your love to the other person and also how you want them to show their love to you. No prizes for guessing my love languages. But actually, it's changed a bit over the years.

In my childhood days, I know gifts from my mum certainly made my day. But apart from gifts, words of affirmation and quality time were especially important to me. In fact, quality time was probably the most important thing for me in primary school. That would explain why I dislike him so much even though he pampered me with everything I wanted. Sighs.

But anyway, it's changed slightly in secondary school. Yes, I still like gifts and you should see my reaction whenever I receive something I like but they're no longer as important. I did a test recently.. My primary love language is quality time, which had 10 points. And then, a bit of a surprise. Physical touch at 8 points followed by receiving gifts and words of affirmation which were tied at 5 points. Hmm... I'll start off with my preference in the 5 love languages. Quality time's always been very important to me, guess that's why my friends take priorities over a lot of things. It's true, I value quality time a lot so one of the things that always hurt is when I'm deprived of quality time with friends.

Physical touch. Before anyone starts thinking in a twisted way, let me clarify. Physical touch can also be hugs between friends, ya? But yes... The past month, I realized that I really needed a hug from one of you. Erm, hope this doesn't hurt anyone but I was rather disappointed, I didn't get it. Oh well, the few of you have always been good listeners and all but only 2, maybe 3 of you ever understood physical touch as a love language. Thanks to those who've hugged me before when I'm down. I think I'm dwelling in lower secondary memories again. Still remember that time after the abortion video? I broke down and you came over and hugged me. Thanks. =) You know who you are. In fact, thanks for everything you've done in the past and recently. =) Ok. That was side-tracking a bit. But yes, physical touch means more to me than I let on, I think. I didn't even realize it myself til recently. Oh well.

I think I've blogged enough about what I expect from people. Time to analyze myself and see how well I know myself. I know what I want, but do I know what I give in return? Actually, it's pretty obvious too, yes? I give what I want. Quality time, words of affirmation. Physical touch, not so much. As I said, only 2-3 of you ever fell under that catergory of people who I hug. But yes, quality time. I try my best to give whatever time I can to my friends. Guess that's why all the 3 hour conversations over the phone and all comes in? And trying to meet up with you all as much as possible. Words of affirmation... Think I've cut down a bit on that. After a few incidents, I think actions really speak louder than words so I prefer to spend quality time instead of just promising that I'll be there. So yeps...

Hmm... There's this book by Gary Chapman titled "The five love languages". Still haven't finished reading through it but think it's a book worth reading. Often, relationships fall apart because we aren't meeting the other person's needs, we're not speaking the same love language... Mhmm. And with this, I'll end off. Don't just think about what you want from the person, think about what the person wants from you. =)

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