Monday, February 19, 2007

1st day of CNY

Before I start blogging about how chu yi was, I feel like being random and commenting on how my phone shares the same taste for sweet stuff as me. With the previous phone, it was honey. And then now, this current phone likes ribena and miranda... Oh well. =p Too much sugar is bad for it though so have to keep it away from sweet stuff. =p

Ok. Let's see... It's weird to not go around visiting people and taking mandarin oranges. And dressing-wise, I'm not used to not having to doll up in bright colours and all... I was wearing white and brown today?! Whee! Must thank my mum for the new top. Collared blouse.. =) Went grandmother's house for most part of today. By the way, the prosperity burger that McDonald sells is super spicy and hot! My relatives were commenting on how they could see me sweating.. But ya, the black pepper's hot. My cheeks were rather pink after that. Did a bit of maths but gave up and went upstairs to sleep. Told my mum to wake me up at 3 but she didn't hear me so I only woke up at around 4. I slept for like 3 hours?! Sighs...

Went Changi Village for dinner. Then stopped for awhile at Changi beach just to enjoy the breeze... Anyone wants to guess what went through my head/what was my mood? =p Whee! I don't really like Changi beach because can't go down to the water but the breeze there is really nice and relaxing. Was just enjoying the wind and hearing the waves. Sighs. I think I need to retreat somewhere for a couple of hours again. Although sleeping's a good alternative, I need something more than that. Quite a few potential places in mind. Hmm... KIV. But not anytime soon. I can't find the time. Weirdness. I can find time to accompany others but I can't find time for myself. Sighs. After going to Changi beach, was driving home when dad realized we were near Marina and the fireworks were about to start so he drove around that area til the fireworks started. Pretty! That's all I want to recount about the 1st day of CNY...

Time to backtrack a bit to Saturday. Was staying up to watch the Saturday night movie. Mei, you realize that we're watching it every week if possible? Tsk us. Anyway, while watching the show, realized how much I want some things but probably won't have them anytime soon. Sighs. I shall blog a bit further on this. Last time, I had item 1 but I wanted item 2. Then I had item 2 and was so contented and didn't really need item 1 anymore. But after awhile, I lost everything. And now, I have none. I want and quite possibly need at least one of the items. Is it too much to want those items again? It hurts when you don't have what you want but it hurts even more when you had it once but lost it. By the way, item 1 and 2 are quite similar and they really are items, not references to people or anything, ok?

Enough weird, random thoughts. Ohh! Shall end off with this quote from someone which amused me greatly, "Dang, I feel so scandalous." Heehee... You'll never guess who said that. No, not me. =p

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