Thursday, February 08, 2007


I'm in the mood to blog but didn't really know what to blog about. Was just replaying today in my head and just reflecting on how it's been and I've decided today's blog-worthy. =) As usual, can't think of a decent blog title. =p

Heehee. This entry's going to be a recount of today so yeps. Read only if you're interested? Nothing that's going to be very reflective. Oh wait. Did you believe me when I said I'm not going to be reflective? When am I not reflective? Haha. Oops? =p Ok. Attempted to woke up early this morning but it didn't really work out that well? Only got out of bed 10 minutes earlier. Finished up adding colour to those notes. Went to school and became anti-social in an attempt to finish the notes... Sighs. Sorry. Wanted to finish them before flag-rising so didn't talk much. Let's see. Lessons today... Maths, nothing much to blog about. Recess. Normal? English. Whee! Blog-worthy.

Haha. It's times like this I wonder why I ever came to this school. Considering that I have higher expectations for my languages and art compared to maths and the three sciences. Got back our "quiz" or is it a test? Doesn't matter. Rather pleased with the marks. Sorry mei if it became unbearable. =( But yes, my expectations for english are probably due to last year. I guess it's the need to know that I can do well regardless of who the teacher is. Discussed this poem entitled "Oh, When I love you" in class. Rather interesting. Too bad there wasn't much time to discuss about whether love changes a person. That would be interesting. Ack. I want to blog about love! -controls- Shall do a series of entries on love and things related to love this coming week, since it's V-day and all on Wed. Ms Tan asked everyone to write a poem as a reply to "Oh, When I love you". Heehee. I'm probably going to put it up on my EPortfolio once of these days. It's not as good as compared to some of those she read out in class but I guess it was a decent piece considering how I stopped writing poems in Sec 1. The few attempts were rather bad. =p By my standards. No, no one's going to ever read them. =p Ohh! This crazy idea came to me while I was stoning and waiting for Jon's school bus. Tempted to expand on the poem and make it into a song. =p Just for fun. The poem can be the chorus. =p Heehee. Going a bit crazy today.

After English, went to MINT, this toy musuem opposite Raffles Hotel. Had 30 minute for lunch so this group of us walked around and decided to go Pop@Central. Ate a bit at the cafe there. I'm already trying to find time to go down to that area by myself or something one day. Was gushing about how the National Library, Pop@Central and Art Friend is all there. And Sasha Bears! =p But yes, I want to find time to go walk around there. Preferably with cash in my wallet. =p Went to the toy musuem and was rather fascinated by the collection. Took a few photos. My photography skills need to be improved. When was the last time I touched the camera? Whee! I like the 3rd floor because they have this glass floor which enables you to look down to the 1st level. People were getting scared and ran away from that area of the floor once they realized there was only glass between them and 2 levels down. Me? I was just fascinated. =) After the tour, there was another 15 minutes so decided to go Sasha Bears. Pft! They were closed. And to rub salt into the wound, they're resuming business tomorrow. Wahhh. But anyway, one thing I realized during this excursion is that I'm starting to be a lot more obvious in my gushing and highness level even if I'm not with the few of you. What does that mean? Sure, it's good that I'm going high and all but I'm worried that I'm going high deliberately. Unfounded fear but yes, that thought came to my mind. And one more thing I realized is how I miss having you all around when I go high. It's just different when I go high with you 3. Oh well.

Chinese class. I'm paying attention nowadays! -gasps- More attention anyway. Nothing much I want to blog about, I guess. Except that the sleepiness started hitting me really badly during class. Wasn't that bad on the bus back from MINT. Physics, skip. Nothing much to blog about too... Vectors test. Urk. I know I can do better. Oh well. It's over. Dental appointment. Heehee. Finally got around to seeing the dentist. A few more visits before I can have my braces removed.

Ok. Here comes the reflection-intensive part of today. On the bus, I was just realizing how I've changed and how I've stayed the same. Previously, in a similar situation, being all alone while listening to my player would make me think of stuff and I'll be on the verge of tears. But now, the tears have stopped trying to come. The memories still play through in my mind but I guess I'm learning how to move on? In a way, I've gotten stronger. I make the deliberate effort to control my emotions before they go downhill. I mean, if I wanted, the tears can still come. I know. It's a fact. I was treading the line between reflection and emo-ness on the bus. But now, I deliberately make sure my mood doesn't drop. Yeps.

Another incident today which was a potential time for me to get emo was when I just sat at the void deck and listened to my player while waiting for Jon's school bus. Things and memories went through my mind. Even the idea to make the english poem into a song triggered off a set of memories. But I guess I'm now looking back on them and learn to just appreciate them. Every single memory. I want to blog an entry dedicated to a person but I've already thought of a more suitable time for that entry. So it's time to learn the art of waiting. I'm counting down to the time when I can blog everything I want to. Pft me with my wanting to wait for the right time before I blog certain topics. Oh well. Are my entries getting longer? Oops? Hmm. One more goal for this year: Start a story on fictionpress. =p The writing bug's gotten into me. With the amount of blogging and all, I think it might last. It's a good way to let things out. =)

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