Saturday, February 24, 2007


That's the title of a book written by Jodi Picoult. What made me choose to buy this book? Really, it was the last line of the summary at the back, "What does it mean to truly love another?"

The whole book touches on the topic of loving another person and how far one was willing to go in the name of love. The whole conflict in this story was about how one husband killed his wife because she was suffering from cancer and asked him to kill her. He loved her so much that he was willing to do anything for her... Another topic that I really like was how one person was always the one who gave more in the relationship. Often, things like 70-30 and 60-40 cropped up. Anyway, time to start quoting then I'll blog more...

You know it's never fifty-fifty in a marriage. It's always seventy-thirty, or sixty-forty. Someone falls in love first. Someone puts someone else on a pedestal. Someone works very hard to keep things rolling smoothly; someone else sails along for the ride."
Is this true? I don't think it just applies to marriages. Relationships, friendships... It's like that, isn't it? There's always someone who holds on tighter? I guess that's why I'm always hurt so deep, yes? Even now, I haven't given up on you 3. It drained me a lot last year but this year, I guess I've gotten more adjusted to it? Oh well...

'I'm the one like you,' Jaime said. 'The one who fell first. The one who would do anything to keep it the way it was at the beginning."
I really need to stop feeling like the characters. Yes, I think I would do almost anything to keep certain friendships the way they were at the beginning. Hmm. 4 people are almost constantly in my mind when I think of friendships nowadays. In fact, this entry will have a lot of references to them?

'I loved her so much I let her go.'
First though: "Fly away" by Corinne May. Same idea. "I love you too much to make you stay... Baby, fly away". That's a line from the song. It's because of things like this that I question how deep is my love for people? Can I let them go? Last year, it was those 3. Now, I don't know who I'm supposed to let go and who I'm supposed to hold on to. I want to hold on to you 9 for as long as possible. But is that what's best for everyone? Is that what's best for you? I have my doubts... Sometimes, if you love someone that much, you let them go. That's a lesson I'm going to have to learn the hard way, I guess? Things like this, only after going through the experience, will I truly be able to understand this...

... since any fool could tell you that neither calendula nor any other potion known to man could possibly soothe right through to the soul.
How true, ya?

Allie remembered once hearing a song that said the first person you fell in love with stole your heart. The first person you made love with stole your soul. And if these were one and the same, you were damned.
Has my heart been stolen? That's a rhetorical question, don't you agree? Hmm... Interesting quote. That's all I shall say.

Got to get ready for church soon. Why do I know the tears will probably fall again? Hmm. There were still more quotes that I like. I might have another entry on it. Depends. That's all for now...

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