Thursday, February 22, 2007

taxing day for my eyes..

Heehee. I apologize to my eyes. Woke up this morning with sore eyes. Ok, to be exact, a sore eye. Guess I shouldn't have rubbed that hard and that long last night. =p It was irritating. But yes, it's like my first time having sore eyes.

Didn't realize it was contagious and still came to school. =p But ya, it got better throughout the day so whew. Didn't want to skip school today. Thought it would be a good day but then again, maybe it wouldn't have been that bad if I skipped school today. At recess, me and mei were debating about whether thursdays were the worst day of the school week or not. I disagreed with her but then again, today's been quite tiring.

Lessons were rather ok overall. Maths, ok. English. Hey, it's english. Don't think you'll hear me complain about it much. But yes, was making an observation about myself after reading a passage in english. Shall blog about that some other time. Lunch. Possibly the worst time of school today. Thanks mei and nes. Heehee. One of the advantages of being in a school that specializes on science: the library is well-stocked. =) Art was ok. Chinese... I just took the chance to sleep. Wish I could have stayed awake to watch the show though. Physics. Just stoned. Test results were not too surprising. Math test. Hmm... Careless mistakes?

Yay! It was raining! But yes, used up my rain quota for this semester so couldn't enjoy the rain? =p Hmm... Was guai and used an umbrella on the way home. So there...

Anyway, I can't really multi-task so I shall stop blogging now. Will blog again some other time.

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