Saturday, February 24, 2007


Hmm... I had to end off my entry on thursday since I couldn't really focus on blogging while chatting on MSN and talking on the phone. Normally, multi-tasking those 3 things is not a problem. But on thursday, all the conversations required my full attention. I was already stretching myself with MSN and the phone call already.

Surprisingly, my mood wasn't affected that badly or anything even though I felt a bit overwhelmed by the sudden jump in conversations. And these conversations weren't just topics on the surface... A lot of the conversations became rather deep, something that surprised me. Honestly, I was being forced to face a few issues at the same time on thursday but I welcomed it?

I realized why I could stay in control even when I felt overwhelmed. Let's deal with one issue at a time... Was talking to Glo on MSN. Hmm. Glo, you didn't know how good your timing was. Heehee. But yes, had to face certain things head-on. I hope that things can be resolved between those 2? Times like this, I do wonder whether my staying on would have prevented all these. It seemed as if everything went downhill after I left. Sighs. The only reason why I ever wanted to go back to NY is because of you 3... 3 of you, please take care? Hope to meet up with you all together one day soon.

Another MSN conversation. Hmm... I wasn't too surprised that you opened a conv with me? But anyway, please believe me when I said it wasn't your fault or anything. Don't want you to feel guilty or bad. Smile, ya? =)

And then talking to renee on the phone and trying to help her out with some stuff. -cough- Heehee. It was rather amusing and interesting. Didn't think I would have to help you with that kind of situation that soon. Guess it's just as well I'm used to things like that?

But yes, I realized that I'm ok and cope with functioning as a listener/comforter. It's something that comes naturally to me, to listen, to comfort, to be there. I guess I thrive on things like that? So ya... That explains a lot, doesn't it? But ya... Someone once said that something along the lines of how being there for others and all kind of became a job, a responsibility. Well, I understand it more than ever now. It's second nature to do things like that. It's always been and hopefully, it always will be.

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