Tuesday, March 20, 2007

5 questions

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better. If I already know you well, expect the questions to be a little more intimate insane!
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, ask them five questions.

Lol... I asked renee to interview me. And some of her questions were... Oh well. Some of them, I won't post on any of my public blogs so I'm going to be selective and choose which questions and answers to show everyone else.

Qn)If you had to throw all your soft toys away except one, what would that one be?

Yikes! I hate this question. It’s like between moo, panda and big doggie. Ok. It’s harder to decide between moo and panda. Yeps. Due to sentimental reasons, I’ll pick moo. But panda’s definitely more huggable. Sighs…

Qn)If tomorrow were your last day on earth, what would you do?

What would I do? Hmm… Write a will. Lol. There are some things that should go to some people. Yeps. But apart from that, I would ask all my friends out. Yeps, make them ‘pon’ school. =) Oops? But I would go out with each group separately. Make sure I say everything I want to say to those I care about (alternatively, write letters) But I prefer meeting up with everyone face to face. That’s it. Basically, just spend time with friends and family and say my last words to them.

Qn)Which fictional character would you want to be, and why?

Honestly, I’m happy being me. But if I had to choose… The first person that came to mind was Jaime from "A walk to remember"... Interesting choice, ya? Why? I guess I admire her and I'm pretty envious of her life. To be able to stand for what she believed in despite of peer pressure. And she was able to find someone who loved her so much... Even though she ended up dying from leukemia, I guess one of the best ways to die is to die with the knowledge that you're loved by someone and that the person would never forget you.

Mhmm... There. It was pretty enjoyable and yet, a torment to answer the questions... Yeps.

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