Thursday, March 08, 2007

needing to improve

Sighs. I rarely blog about academic stuff or anything related to studies but then again, there are always exceptions.

Hmm. Didn't blog about this yesterday but I calculated the CAP for each of the individual subjects to check whether I can Major with Honours in them... I didn't bother calculating Physics cause my grades are that bad. But out of fun, I calculated for Chemistry. Sighs. 3.3 But then again, it's unlikely that I'm going to Honours in it so ya... But my greatest disappointment came from Biology. Yes, I can do a Honours in Biology based on my current CAP but it's really low. I rather not put the CAP up here. Ya... On the bright side, didn't except my Maths CAP. 4. =) Ok... I think Maths has the highest CAP. >.< Which is ... weird? And it also speaks volumes about how low my standard is if my highest subject CAP is 4. Ya... So yes, I needed that reality check so now, there's even more reasons for me to do well.

One more thing on studies. Higher Chinese 'O' levels. Today during HCL, the teacher was talking about having the right attitude and all. I've always been one of those who feel guilty after those kind of talks. But today, I knew what the teacher was talking about already and was rather irritated by the teacher repeating himself again. See? The thing is, I have unreasonably high expectations for Chinese. Unreasonable because I know I haven't been putting in enough effort to warrant that kind of marks that I want. But yes, I really need to work harder for Chinese. I'm not contented with just scraping a pass for the 'O's.

Basically, I really need to work harder. To really throw myself into studying. Not just mugging but really putting in effort to learn. Most people would say such things and then resume slacking but considering how I rarely want to do well in studies so badly, I hope it means that this will not just be words, not just empty promises to myself.

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