Monday, March 19, 2007

eventful day

Heehee. What a way to start off Term 2. =p

Let's see. I started off the day by oversleeping. Only woke up at 7:47 (handphone time) and had to ask my dad to send me to school. The rest of the day went by as usual though. Yeps. Apart from me starting a star-folding trend in class. 0=)

Oh yes! There was an incident at the end of the school day which made my heart beat a lot faster. Walking down the stairs with mei, I lost my footing and tripped. I almost fell down the flight of stairs. But somehow, my reflexes kicked in fast enough and I ended up doing some really weird footwork down the next few steps. The sequence of events go something like this. Trip, tries to regain balance and somehow manage to walk down the next few stairs really quickly. Had a minor fear of walking down all the way to the first floor after that. =p And even a few minutes after that, my heartbeat was still rather fast and I trembled a bit when I sat down. Oh well. Heehee. The only good thing out of this whole incident is that I know I actually have decent reflexes if the need arises. =p

Ohh. Then went home and had a nice 2 hour long massage session by my grandauntie. Yeps. My shoulder and back have been aching and really tensed so ya... Requested for the massage session. Ouch. When she massaged my shoulder, it hurt a lot. Very, very tense. But it's slightly better now. Whew... =)

Ok. Enough blogging. Time to finish up homework and sleep early tonight. I don't need to oversleep again tomorrow. =p

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