Monday, March 05, 2007

how tempting

Whee! It's really tempting to just start dwelling in self-pity and feel sorry for myself or something. But that's one thing I really try to avoid. I mean, I go into depression and get all emotional but it's mostly because I'm upset or hurt or something along those lines... But today, it was tempting to start pitying myself but realized that was just pointless.

I dislike it when I don't get emotional. My mood tends to go to the other extreme. But at least that's more controllable than being emo? So maybe that's the bright side? But yes... Why am I doing this to myself? It's called purposely giving myself stress. So I shall stop all work today and slack the rest of the day away. =) And maybe get around to writing out more chapters of my story? At long last...

Heehee. Wanted to blog about the books I borrowed from the library but er... not in the mood to do that now so I'll postpone the entry, ya?

Ohh. Must end off the entry in a relatively better mood. Thank you cassie mei for the note! It brought a big smile to my face! =) Looking forward to Pahang. =)

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