Sunday, March 04, 2007

time to try harder?

It's become almost a routine to blog about service and occasionally FUEL? Which is good... It makes me reflect on what was shared and hopefully, stays in my head longer that way?

I think I'm spending way too much time just browsing at Manna. Ok.. That was random. Time to start the entry proper.

Service. I wonder why I don't go up and jump anymore? But I'm rather contented just worshipping God from my seat. So ya... Anyway, this whole week is Mission Convention. And after watching the video on missions, just felt this tugging at my heart. It hurt so much to see those kids who have so little... I want to do something for them. It's as if God is softening my heart even more. And for an instant, I understand why it may be a good thing that I'm not going for Italy. I'm hoping to have the chance to accompany the adults on a mission trip. It's not up to me but ya... I want to help and not just by donating money.

During altar call, God spoke to me about the same issue again. It's really essential that I believe in faith... There's still a part of me that doubts the reality of that happening. And I can't have that. I'm hoping. I want to see that image come true. Anyway, one more thing that God spoke to me about was how the "chains" are about to be broken. I saw this image of chains just being broken. How I wish it's true.. There are too many things holding me back. Too many things weighing me down. But yes... Each time I resolve to move on, I still don't let go completely. I'm hoping this round, it'll be different. The lyrics of this song came to mind," No limits, no boundaries. I see victories all around me..." I want to claim that.

FUEL. Heehee. Guesss what's the topic? Understanding and handling emotions... I was smiling and laughing to myself a lot. Mhmm. I wonder why.. Especially when the pastor shares about depression and various other stuff. Oh and that was the whole, "How people deal with emotions?" I fit into 2 of the three catergories... Avoidance and confrontation. =p As in, I push the issue to the back of my head at times but other times, I address it. Heehee. Contradictory. And that was one more thing that I couldn't stop shaking my head at... There was this part about what emotions should and shouldn't be. Emotions should be an alarm clock, serving as a warning. But they shouldn't be a trigger. Rofl. Let's see. Triggers's like one of my favourite word when it comes to memories and emotions? Oops.. Question of the day: Are emotions good or bad? There's no right or wrong answer, ya? But anyway, almost everyone should know what's my answer. If you don't, I'm rather surprised.

Yeps... Anyway, there were a few things that I really should learn. It's just head knowledge so far. I mean, I know how I should control and manage my emotions instead of letting them control me. But really, it's hard to apply them. I've always been emotional... Still am, I think. It's just less obvious (to most people) nowadays?

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