Monday, March 26, 2007

why mondays?

I should get worried if this continues... 1st day of school, I overslept and only woke up at around 7:50. Then today, I woke up at 6:50. The part that scares me is how often this has happened... It's just the 2nd week of Term 2. And the fact that I can't hear all 3 of my alarms is just alarming. Lol. The use of the word was not deliberate. Lol. But ya, my handphone, watch and clock didn't wake me up! Urk. That just proves that either I'm a heavy sleeper or I lack sleep.

Oh well. I'm aiming to be asleep by latest 11:30 tonight. Yeps. When that is considered earlier than average, that means I really should get back to my old ways of sleeping early. But easier said than done?

Yes, one might ask why I blog even though I can go sleep instead. Because it's become a habit. Because it's quite a good way of organizing my thoughts and help me settle down.

Hmm... How was today? Alright, I guess. Expected to get 3 test results back but ended up not receiving a single paper back. Went ACM after school to view the "Mystery Men" exhibition... Erm. I guess it didn't really help that the tour was done in Chinese? I tried paying attention.. Lol. A few PRCs asked me once in awhile whether I understood what the tour guide was saying. Haha. That was amusing and rather considerate?

After the exhibition, walked with mei and nes to Raffles Exchange and spent quite awhile at Mount Zion, the bookshop. Whee! I want to spend money! Shall save up again and go spoil myself. Cass joined us. =) Then after that, had sugar rolls and was made to eat the last one. Yes yes, I know I need to gain weight. =p Decided to grab a bit more food with cass and went to Burger King. Mhmm. Talked quite a bit about various stuff... I wonder why I'm still so positive? Someone please tell me why? This kind of faith and hope isn't rational. I've no idea what keeps me believing but I'll still continue. Yeps. It was nice talking to cassie mei... Yeps. I'm not that surprised about how we seem to be on rather good talking terms. I kind of expected it? Considering situations and all... It was just a matter of time?

Anyway, I guess I'll end off this entry by addressing the same issue yet again. I've addressed it briefly in the previous paragraph but I'll touch on it a bit more. Yeps. Hmm. Maybe I'm biased? Maybe I'm too hopeful? But no matter what happens, I'll still believe that things can get better. I do believe in giving people second chances. And I won't stop at just giving second chances. Yeps.

Think I should go sleep soon. Lots of things that I need to do over the next few days. And oh, I will take care of myself, ok? Yeps. Not just minimal care. Proper care. Mhmm. This is directed to someone who complained that I wasn't really taking care. Yeps. Bye! Goodnight! =)

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