Sunday, March 11, 2007

day in town

I have no idea how I'm still up. >.< Heehee. I think I'm mildly proud of the fact that I only slept at around 4 this morning... Broke my record, I think. Mhmm.

Anyway, hitched a ride down to the Esplanade today since Dad wanted to go IT show at Suntec. Hmm... Was just throwing myself into looking for books and ended up spending more time looking for mei's books. In the end, just got her to come down. =p I am good. Heehee. Last minute notice somemore. While waiting for her, walked around Citylink.

Had to eat lunch so ya... Got a sandwich which was really filling. Heehee. Then walked around the usual shops. Interesting how my mood differs so much within a few minutes... First stop, MPH. Jodi picoult has a new book! Went a bit high... >.< Resisted the urge to buy it even though I had the cash. It's like $28 plus... After that, went to HMV. That was such a smart move... Ohh. Happy feet is now on VCD and DVD! =) Still waiting for the price of the soundtrack to drop before I buy it. Mhmm. Went over to the soundtrack section and was browsing through random titles. Somehow, the whole atmosphere and mood caused me to become really reflective and moody. Started thinking of things... It didn't get any better when I went over to look at VCDs. Found "Tuesday with Morrie" there. But it didn't really bring a smile to my face? Why? I'll explain later. Found a few more shows that I wanted but didn't get anything. Lack of cash for one. But there's one more thing... This thought came to me. I would rather not have a single one of the disc in exchange for the chance to go out with selected people and go crazy gushing... It's different when you're alone. There wasn't any point in gushing or going high. So yes... But guess what? There are too many things I want but out of so many of them, how many will actually become a reality?

Yeps. Met mei at esplanade and we went around looking for books for English. Accomplished what I set out to do. Found 2 really good books on "Phantom". After that, went up to the roof with mei and finished up the last bit of my sandwich. =p Hmm... I think that the Marina area is quite a good getaway place. Another alternative... =p But I'll have to focus. As much as I wanted to go out on Friday, work comes first... =( See how things go. If I can spare some time, I'll take another break on Friday.

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