Friday, March 16, 2007

pahang camp

Hmm... Think I'm still not in the right frame of mind to blog about Pahang but shall give it a try anyway. =p

Reported to school with a fat and heavy bag. >.< Haha. Anyway, we were allowed to choose our own groups so was in the same group as cass, he na, wu rui, ju yi and yi chen. Yeps. Long long bus ride up to our campsite... Slept a lot, snacked a lot, played a bit of cards and watched "I not stupid 2". Highlight of monday was the night walk! =) We could walk into the forest(?) with a torchlight but we were challenged to not talk at all. But coming out was the difficult part. Had to turn off our torchlights and each group was given one candle and we were supposed to find our way out. 0.0 And it's pretty stressful to be the leader, as in the one leading the group out. I wasn't the leader of the group. Cass was. =) But yes, the nightwalk was challenging. Thankful that I have such nice supportive groupmates. =) Especially mei. Good thing she was right behind me and became my "eyes", looking out for the path to take while I concentrated on keeping the candle burning and not tripping over roots and all. =p Yeps. Yay! We managed to find our way out without too much help. =p Ohh. I think mei and I are 2 of the few who managed to see more than 1 firefly. =) Yay! It's so cute! To see this light flying about among the trees. =)

Ended off the day by joining some Tao Nan scouts at their campfire. Haha. That was fun! I mean, they were very spontaneous and would sing one song after another. Yeps. And they didn't have any qualms about shaking their bodies and all. Even at Pri 5, a lot of us already became very self-conscious? It's times like that when I think about how much of the child-like mentality I've lost. Yeps. Children just have this innocence and pure joy... But yes, really enjoyed the campfire. Heehee. Being a Brownie last time really helped. =)

Ohh. Me and mei got one tent to ourselves for the two nights that we spent sleeping in the caves, since the other group members didn't mind being in one tent. So yeps. =)

Whee! I like that day a lot! =) Ok. Wait. I like every day of the camp. Haha. =) Let's see. Abseiling and rock-climbing. Whee! Abseiling was ok. Just a bit scared at the start. But I guess doing trust falls and just having this blind faith and trust in a lot of things make me feel less worried about leaning back on the harness. =p Yeps. -bounces- Heehee. I like rock-climbing! Yeps. Took the red rope even though it's harder. Oops? Have I mentioned that I like challenges? 0=) Yeps. Whee! I didn't realize that I actually have enough muscles to climb the rock wall. Oh, for those who don't know. The rock wall is an actual rock wall, completely natural. Not man-made. Yeps! Yay! Reached the top. =) At what cost? Erm. A few scratches here and there. Heehee. In fact, I noticed my right hand was slightly scratched on the way up and I was being rather fascinated by the cut. =p No worries, it's slightly less than 1 cm so yeps, nothing serious. Heehee. And I realized something interesting. Normally, I assure people that I won't hurt myself or anything since I can't stand pain but during rock-climbing, that mentality went out of the window? Since I didn't care if the rocks were sharp or not and just grabbed onto them. As long as I found my way to the top... Uhohh. Hope that focus doesn't apply for self-mutilation or anything. =p

Next part of tuesday's activities: caving! -bounces around- Ok. I think I'm nuts. I really enjoyed caving and erm... I want to do it again. Heehee. I like my mum's torchlight. It's bright! So yeps. But ya, it was fun exploring the various caves. Don't think anyone heard me but I was singing various Christian songs to myself during some parts of caving. I guess I was that awe-struck by the caves and marvelling at God's creations. Yeps. =) Hmm. I really wished we spent more time caving. I really enjoyed it. Just being part of nature and exploring without disturbing it much. Yeps. Had our own campfire at night. Hmm... Haha. It was enjoyable in its own way? Yeps.

Took the bus to Taman Negara. Had to trek up to the summit of Bukit Teresek... 1720m. Not that bad except that it's mostly uphill and the path's not man-made. So it means a lot of sand, soil, rocks, roots, etc... Yeps. Pft. Mei grabbed hold of a vine that was in her way and ended up having scratches on her hand. Sighs. >.< But ya, the trek was rather exhausting. The view wasn't too bad but not spectacular. A lot of photographs were taken. Heehee. Think it's one of the few times that I asked for my picture to be taken. =p Then had to trek back down to the canopy walk. Hmm... Nothing that memorable but yeps, nice view. Had lunch in the boats before we went for rapids shooting! -bounces around- Was really really high. =) Pft. Why wasn't it high tide? But anyway, since I like water so much, really enjoyed rapids shooting. Heehee. There was this mini-war going on between the 4 boats. Yeps. Haha. Basically, each time 2 or more boats were side by side, then the boatman would use the paddle and spray water towards the other boat. =p So yeps, got very wet. Especially since my boatman used the oar and sprayed water towards me and mei. One of the problems of sitting in front? =p But yeps, I like water!

Dried up a bit before heading to the bus which drove us to the resort. =) Hot water shower! Thanks mei for letting me go first. =p Had dinner, then after that, it was free time til the next morning. Heehee. Most of us started wandering around and heading to other people's rooms. Yeps. 11 of us ended up in 1 room at one point in time. Yeps. Haha. Lots of card-playing and just talking about random stuff. Took a break and had supper before going back to May Fong's room. More cards. Then after that, wanted to go star-gazing but before that, some of us were trying to sleep awhile and going out to star-gaze but a certain person couldn't stop laughing. Lol. Yeps. But eventually, everyone quietened down. I fell asleep for awhile. =p Woke up and wanted to star-gazing but it was very misty so couldn't star-gaze. =( And yes, the new term was coined. Sighs. All because mei heard me wrongly... >.< Oh well. Went back to my room with mei. Yeps. Then ding came over and we started watching tv and commenting on the shows. Only slept at around 3 and woke up only at 6 plus. =p

Last day of the camp. =( Basically, a long bus ride back to Singapore. Slept til before lunch. Had lunch at KFC. =) Then after that, a lot of card playing. Then I got bullied quite badly. Being tickled and poked by the person beside and behind me. You two ahh... >.< Pft. Oh well. Heehee. Once we crossed the 2nd link, me and mei started trying to get back Singapore network. =p Replied the various smses I had and called various people. Mhmm. After we were dismissed from school, went for dinner with hao yi, ding, mel and her bf, mei. Yeps. Thanks Hao Yi for treating! -feels bad-But ya, hmph. Was bullied even during dinner. But dinner was rather nice? Buffet. =)

And with that, I've recounted how camp was generally. Heehee. There are other things that I didn't elaborate or what but ya, the gist of it has been covered. Hmm... Think it's time to have another entry. =p

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