Sunday, March 25, 2007

oceans apart

Hmm... Think I'm in a suitable mood and frame of mind to blog about this book. =) Yeps, the title of this entry is the title of the book. "Oceans Apart" by Karen Kingsbury. One of the books I randomly pull out and end up liking it a lot, just like Richard Paul Evans's books. It does help that she's a Christian author. Mhmm. Ok. Shall blog about the book first and the whole experience of reading it before I continue gushing about Karen Kingsbury's books! =p

Just the first few chapters alone made me think of stuff. Especially the main character's issue with his father. Reminded me of my life. Ya... I always ask myself this question. Will I regret my actions the day that he's no longer alive? If yes, then why do I still persist in being like this? I guess it's something to do with pride. And because I believe that my actions are justified... Yet, there's this part of my conscience that reminds me that he's still my father no matter what he does or does not do.

Love is what happens when people forgive.
This line keeps popping up throughout the book and it's this lesson that a lot of the characters in the book have to learn. Hmm... Let's see. I was reading this book alone in the library and it was actually quite good for just reflective and thinking. Even though it's a public place and all, I was alone in the corner so yeps. Ouch.. Forgiveness has always been something I don't really struggle with apart from that one issue of my dad. But as I was reading, it just hit me how in a way, I was having this bitterness and unforgiveness towards someone else as well. The most unlikely person. It was subtle. But that explains a lot of things from last term. Yeps.

It comes from a part called 1 John, and it says, "As Jesus laid his life down for us, so we must lay our lives down for other people. Anything else is not realy love. Not love for God and not love for people."
To lay down my life for everyone... Am I able to do that? I think I can do that for those I care about. But there's this fear that one day, I'll be hurt til the point when I lose hope, lose my trust... I was so close to that the past week. There are times when there aren't people around for you to lean on and you wonder what's the point of caring so much. Then afterwards, you realize why. Because even if they're not there, they do still care. Right? By the way, the exact Bible reference is 1 John 3:16-17. The lines from the book are rather different. But the main idea's really the same so ya...

There it was; the simple childlike love that had open arms no matter the situation.
This is what I hold on to desperately. I found it and regained it last year... At least, it was more obvious in every moment of my life compared to lower secondary years. But then at the start of this year... I sank back into that state. Sighs. It's been hard pulling myself out of it. But I guess I want back the childlike part of me really badly so it helps? Why do I still trust? Why do I still care? No matter what... Yeps. I guess it's this part of me that I don't want to lose. It's easy to lose it. It's hard to gain it back. So I won't let go of it. Mhmm.

As Karen Kingsbury's a Christian, she also showed the various character's relationships with God. Max, the child who's so faithful. He puts aside time every day to pray, read his Bible. I admire Max. But that's not really what spoke to me the most? Rather. Lines such as "My ways are not your ways..." and "Be still, and know that I am God." Isaiah 55:8-9 and Psalms 46:10 respectively. Mhmm...

My heart felt lighter and I realized that my smiles were a lot more genuine after I read the book and really understood it. It still amazes me how fiction books can speak to my heart so much... Yeps.

Anyway, I'm really interested in this author and want to read the rest of her books. Turns out she has a total of 5 series and 8 stand-alone books... Whoa. More than enough books for me to read. But first, have to find them. =p Yeps.

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