Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Honestly, today could have gone way better. Went to school early to practice the piece for Talentsearch. I need more sleep. Yes, I'm still not sleeping early. How can I? There are things that need to be done. This is the price I pay when I don't manage my time well and yet still expect a certain level from myself. Whee.

Overall, the mood of today was rather subdued? Not that noticeable but still... Let's see. House meeting was ok? Haha. Yes mei, I know it's unfair. Oh well. You're pro. =) Then ACE was enjoyable. I want to watch the rest of "October Sky". =) Physics lab was ... as per normal? Except that I really should control myself more. The restraint that I usually show slipped away a bit. That's not good. Sorry. This restraint isn't referring to moodiness or emo-ness by the way. Yeps.

Project work has always been rather enjoyable. At least me and mei are actually learning stuff? =) Yeps. Never thought we'll do a Chemistry project actually. Time to start thinking of how to extend the project for the rest of this year. It's fun playing with fire. Haha. I mean that literally by the way. Observed a methanol flame today. Yeps.

After IR, things started going a bit downhill? Ouch. It was irritating trying to staple the letters to the Journalism board. Because I have to look up and my neck started aching after awhile? Then it was raining. And ya, mei didn't let me go out into the rain. =p Heehee. But I was guai, ok? When walking to the piano to practice even more, I avoided walking out in the open. It was highly tempting though. =p

Then realized I had to play on the keyboard for Talentsearch so took awhile to get used to the keys. Actual auditions itself was just sad. I was really nervous and messed up in the 2nd bar already. So naturally, I got very nervous and made even more mistakes and the cycle continues. Oh well. It's over. Time to move on. That's what I tell others so I should listen to that advice myself.

While sitting in the auditorium and listening to the other groups perform, I was hit by a wave of emotions. Really unexpected. My mind just linked the playing of the various rock groups to last year's Teacher's Day performance. Ouch. That wasn't needed. And in fact, I also thought about Charity Concert. Weird, right? Talentsearch has no link with Teacher's Day and Charity concert but it could still trigger off memories. >.< I am irritated at the way my head works.

Anyway, it was just weird after auditions. Lol. The only girl in the group? And a certain someone was bullying me. -pointed look- Oh well.

On the bright side, got to eat nice chocolate marshmallow cake today! =) And with that, I shall end this entry. On a high note! =) -attempts to hit a high note- Rofl.

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